速報APP / 健康塑身 / White Noise Baby Sleep

White Noise Baby Sleep





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Lightbody Lane, Wigram, Christchurch, New Zealand.

White Noise Baby Sleep(圖1)-速報App

White Noise Baby Sleep Sounds free app helps your baby to fall asleep using classic monotonous sounds ("white noise"). Proven to be effective by generations of parents.

Sounds include:

✔ 3 Baby lullabies

✔ Pure white noise

White Noise Baby Sleep(圖2)-速報App

✔ Waterfall

✔ Fan

✔ Vacuum cleaner

✔ Hair dryer

White Noise Baby Sleep(圖3)-速報App

✔ Washing machine

✔ Train

✔ Car

✔ Sea

White Noise Baby Sleep(圖4)-速報App

✔ Rain

✔ Shower

✔ Creek

✔ Mother

White Noise Baby Sleep(圖5)-速報App

✔ Heartbeat

✔ Birds

Babies love white noise. Background white noise is calming for baby and resembles the kind of sounds that he would hear in the womb.

DO NOT put the phone closer to the baby than necessary.

White Noise Baby Sleep(圖6)-速報App

App features:

✔ 15 white noise sounds

✔ 3 baby lullabies

✔ Timer with soft fade out

White Noise Baby Sleep(圖7)-速報App

✔ Background audio support

✔ Offline working

✔ Lightweight and easy to use

White Noise Baby Sleep(圖8)-速報App